Sunday, October 2, 2011

Traveling to Guangzhou, China

Friday September 23, 2011

Today we were able to sleep in and eat a late breakfast. McKenzee is a great sleeper, she sleeps thru the night and wakes up at about 4:30am for a bottle, and goes back down till about 7:00am. Today she allowed us all to sleep in till 8:15am. We are traveling tonight to Guangzhou China to finish up the last part of the adoption process. The US Consulate is located in Guangzhou, so no matter where your baby is from in China you must come here to finalize all of your paperwork. Our guide Amy has arranged for a gentlemen to come to our hotel this morning and make a scroll with calligraphy for McKenzee. It will have her Chinese name, Zodiac sign, Birth date, and adoption date on it. Just one more memento for her and her Chinese heritage. Well, I am off to go pack up our room again. Living in a hotel room out of suit cases with a baby really sucks!!  Our plane leaves for Guangzhou at 8:00pm and we will be leaving for the airport at 5:00pm.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Day of Touring in Changsha

Thursday September 22, 2011

Today we went to Martyr's Park a place dedicated to the revolutionists. We saw demonstrations of
Tai-Chi, women singing, koi fish and beautiful bridges. Afterwards, we went to the Hunan Embroidery Research Institute & China Hunan Embroidery Museum. Embroidery goes back 2000 years in China. They do amazing work at the museum. They can embroider two different images (front and back) on one piece of silk. We bought a couple of small embroidery pieces there for McKenzee and Coleby.   Her province is famous for its embroidery work and I wanted to make sure we took something home for her. 
In the afternoon, we received Mckenzee's birth certificate and an official sheet with her finding spot information.

Entrance to Martyr Park

Group 1761

McKenzee has her daddy wrapped around her little finger alreaady!

Bazillions of Koi in pond at Martyr Park 

Bridge across Lake in Martyr Park

It always looks foggy out, but it is just the pollution 

Entrance to Embroidery Museum

This picture is embroidered of Franklin Roosevelt

Front of embroidered picture on silk

Back of picture from above

This embroidery factory worker has been working on this picture for 8 months.
 It will take her approximatly one year.

Thursday, September 22, 2011


Wednesday, September 21, 2011
I guess you're asking, why are they showing Walmart? Well, we all had to go shopping for baby supplies. You know diapers, baby powder, formula and other items. I asked the guide why Walmart? She told me it was different than the walmart in the U.S.A. Wow was she right. First of all it was two stories high. It had so many different things in it I don't know where to begin.  I guess I'll describe the things I found interesting. When the guide was telling us how there were two floors, one of the other families asked if they had elevators. The guide told us "No, walmart has escalators but don't worry they are very safe". Of course she forgot to mention they were ramps and the wheels on the shopping cart were steel and they would magnetize to the escalator. I thought that was pretty neat. The most amazing thing about this walmart was the fish department. Here they had live fish like carp, grass fish and big headed fish. they also had live shrimp and American frogs by the hundreds. There were other things like eels, squids and a bunch of dried out fish.You would see other things like whole ducks, pigeons and chickens. Oh, believe me. Nothing went to waste. If it wasn't whole the parts that were taken off were hanging around somewhere close by.
McKenzee had an experience of her own with her eyes wide open. She had never stepped out of the orphanage let alone seen so many people. She rode her first shopping cart. Oh, and talking about people. They were all staring at us and more of McKenzee. Some people would come to her and touch her while saying something. Once Coleby asked, "What are they saying?" I told him they were saying what a beautiful baby she was. Ha ha ha. Like I know Chinese. Also people would follow us for really long times until we would turn around and tell them hi. They would then smile and give a thumbs ups sign.
After we finished at walmart we then returned to the hotel. As Shelley and McKenzee went down for a nap, Coleby and I decided to go for a venture. I'm so glad we did because about a mile down and around the street was McDonald's, KFC and Pizza Hut. Wow! After reporting this back to Shelley and the other families we now had a new mission. American food! All the families strollered up and we all headed back. Of course we split up when we got there. We decided to eat at Pizza Hut. One large super supreme and one pitcher of Pepsi. Needless to say everyone went back to the hotel with a big smile on their face. Although McKenzee didn't eat pizza she too had an experience of her life.


McKenzee's first shopping cart ride

Escalator in Walmart

Dried Fish

This is one of your choices in the Deli (Duck)

Smoked Fish



American Frogs

Adoption Day

Tuesday September 20, 2011

It's Official!! McKenzee Marie Zao Arellano is all ours. Today we had to go back to the Children's Adoption Bureau to file all the paperwork, have it notorized and pay all our fees. We had to promise to the Chinese Government to never abuse or abandon her. They then asked if we were happy with our referral and if we intend on keeping her? Yes, of course! They then thumb printed Paul and I and foot printed McKenzee for our final adoption decree.

The rest of the day we spent in the hotel. McKenzee slept alot of the day, I think she wore herself out the day before by not sleeping at all.

The Director of McKenzee's Orphanage

Filling out paperwork and answering questions in front of Notory

Mommy being thumb printed

Daddy being thumb printed

McKenzee bieng foot printed

McKenzee being foot printed

Look at her tiny foot

Daddy and McKenzee

McKenzee & Coleby


Monday, September 19, 2011


Monday September 19, 2011

WOW!! What an amazing experience, much different than being in labor but the happiness, joy and love you feel when it is all over is much the same. She is a beautiful, petite and very curious of all her new surroundings. We received her at about 11:00am at Children's Adoption Bureau Building. There was approximately 6 other families there in a room and they brought our babies in one at a time. They were all from different orphanages in Hunan province. McKenzee is from Chenzhou about a 4 hour drive from Changsha the capital city of Hunan. We were told the she came to Changsha by the bullet train this morning which took about 70 minutes. Their was another little girl about 16 months old from McKenzees orphanage that was referred to a momma from Denver. It was very loud at the time of referral from the babies crying, and there was a 4 year old little girl being adopted and she was very upset and very loud crying. It just broke your heart to think what that little girl was thinking and feeling. McKenzee came to us with no problem, she didn't cry, but took a little while for her to warm up and look at us instead of thru us.  We left the C.A.B. building and went to grocery store to get formula and baby supplies we needed and then we went back to the hotel for the rest of the day to play and bond with our little girls.

She still has not cried at all, I guess after 14 months she has learned it doesn't do her any good to cry so why bother. When she gets upset she kind of gets a pouty lip but that is it. It is so sad because you can tell she has learned to comfort herself, she has alot of self soothing habits. She fought her sleep hard today. I don't think she wanted to miss out on anything going on around her. Well thank the lord she slept thru the night. She went down at 9:30pm and it is about 5:00am and she is starting to stir. So I will try to attach some pictures of the day and if they won't attach I will try again later.

Forever In Our Arms!

Daddy's Little Girl

Mommy's Sweet Angel

Brotherly Love

Us with orphanage staff

Yes, I bathed her when we got home. She Loved it

Her First BOW!!!!

Group Tour

Saturday September 17, 2011

Today we took a group tour to Victoria's Peak, which is a the highest peak in Hong Kong that overlooks the city. We also toured a Jade Jewelery Factory, where we were able to see the jewelery being made.  Then we went on a Sampan Tour Boat in Hong Kong Harbour. We seen the largest floating restaurant in the world, it can seat 3000 people at a time. Our guide told us we wouldn't be dinning there for lunch and we would understand why later.  After the tour was completed we had the rest of the afternoon for free time. We went shopping in downtown Hong Kong. There malls are amazing they are 8 stories high and go on for miles and miles. Tomorrow (Sunday September 18, 2011) we leave for Changsha , the capital of Hunan Province. It is about a hour and forty-five minute flight from Hong Kong.

Victoria's Peak Overlooking Hong Kong

Jade Factory
Largest Floating Resturant

Back Side of Floating Resturant (Kitchen)
This is why we will not be dinning here for lunch!

You want me to pee where?

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Disneyland Hong Kong

Friday September 16, 2011

This morning we could of slept in, but no we were all awake by 4:00am with no alarm clock. UGH!! So we got up and got ready for the day, and went down stairs and ate a very expensive buffett breakfast (599.00HKD) about $84.36 US dollars. We won't be doing that again! I guess you live and learn when you go to a foreign country. We then learned how to ride their Metro train at morning rush hour, you    realize very fast how spoiled we are to have the luxury of our own cars. The first thing we noticed was all the young children that ride the train by themselves to school. It really is very sad because you know their day starts out so early and they don't get home till very late. The other thing we noticed was the mass population. Hong Kong isn't a very large city, but has a population of around 8 MILLION people. WOW!!

We then arrived at Disneyland Hong Kong at around 9:30am. The park didn't open til 10:30am. Needless to say we rode the metro with all the workers. We stuck out like a sore thumb in Disneyland. This time we were the foreigners. I'm so glad the Chinese were so nice and helpful and especially that they could speak English pretty well. Disneyland Hong Kong has been open for five years. It is pretty much the same as Disneyland California, just on a smaller scale. It was already decorated for Halloween. It was a very nice day but it was extremely hot and humid. Oh! We did get on Space Mountain. WEEEEEEEEEE! Coleby has really been a trooper, but by the end of the day he is wiped out!  It does really feel weird traveling with only 3 of us. Oh how I miss my other 2 boys and wish they could of came with us. We love you Cody & Collin!!

Front Gate of Disneyland Hong Kong

The Mickiey is designed with pumpkins instead of flowers

M-I-C-K-E-Y  M-O-U-S-E


Long Couple of Days of Traveling

Thursday September 15, 2011

Sorry it took me so long to post.  We were having blog issues, all the blog commands were coming up in Chinese.   We landed in Hong Kong about 7:00pm on Thursday night, after a very long and drawn out 15 hour flight. Two of us (Coleby & I)  were able to sit First Class and Paul had to sit back in Coach. Don't feel to sorry for him though he was able to spread out in 3 seats. It really was not a bad flight. THANK YOU WAYNE for allowing us the use of your buddy passes.Because we came a day earlier then the rest of our travel group we had to figure out how to get to the hotel on our own. Good thing Hong Kong airport is also in English, and most every body speaks pretty good English. We are staying at the Hyatt Regency Hong Kong ShaTin, it is really a nice Hotel.      

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

McKenzee's Angel

Yesterday I was on the Internet looking to see if I could find some information on McKenzee's orphanage, and by the grace of God I found something even better. I came across a blog of a Mission Trip to her orphanage in June of 2011. So I decided to surf the site and to my amazement I came across hundreds of pictures of the Chenzhou Orphanage and lots & lots of pictures of my baby girl. I immediately emailed the owner of the blog to verify if that indeed was my McKenzee. Of course I was correct (mother's intuition). She proceeded to tell all about my little girl she referred to as "Rosebud." She even went as far as sending her a care package for her birthday July 13, 2011 which was amazing because she didn't think any child should ever turn One and not have a Birthday Cake to share with all her friends. We will always be grateful to Shannon for showing our baby girl the love that every child deserves.

Here is a post she put on her blog about McKenzee...

My Rosebud

The first day we walked into Chenzhou we were taken into the baby room. I skipped over the babies in the cribs and went straight to a few that were sitting in bouncy seats. Hooked up to IV's. I was immediately drawn to one tiny girl in particular. As soon as I talked to her, her face broke into a big grin that just lit up the room. She was adorable.
After we had spent awhile in the baby room that first day, I was trying to identify certain children that were matched with families. They took me back down to this particular room to meet one of the little girls.
While there I learned more about my little smiley face. She was 11 months old and had been pre-mature. She looked absolutely perfect to me.
Later in the day I was able to hold her. Just a tiny peanut, a wiggly little thing! She was not able to sit up yet, seemed much younger than 11 months. But she sure tried! If you lay her on her back, she would try to push up, so strong.
In those first few days I spent much time getting pictures of all the babies and holding different ones. Sometimes we would see different ones in the mornings, than in the afternoons. We each settled in with "our babies". Drawn to certain ones for certain reasons, or maybe them drawn to us too.
I had one that had the best kissable cheeks, we called her bright eyes. She has a great personality, very sweet. And then I had my smiley face. Typically they ended up there at different times.
Till a few days in, when they simply brought smiley face to me. And she and I, we just clicked. Yes it helped that she was absolutely adorable, in fact she is a beautiful baby with perfect skin and bright eyes. TINY features, her lips are like a rosebud. And it helps that she is HAPPY! She has the BEST giggles! No matter what when you look at her, she smiles at you. I like happy! I like EASY! ;-) Don't I DESERVE easy??
That was a joke.
On Sunday afternoon the directors and nannies took us shopping. You have not been China shopping till you get the privilege of going with the Chinese Grandmas! We went as a group to an embroidery shop and a jewelry store. Then it was off to buy our donations. We bought them 2 air conditions for the orphanage, per their choice. Then they wanted to take us shopping for a computer. For them, not us. I sent the group back to the hotel and Tammy stayed with me.
They took us down a an alley to the back door of the computer shop. Typical Chinese warehouse shopping. We were able to buy them the "best" computer with the remaining funds of our donation. Thanks to all who helped with that!
From there we thought we were heading back to the hotel but they then offered to take us shopping. For baby clothes. They knew we loved the squeaky shoes. Being that it was Tammy & I, 2 who LOVE to shop, of course we said yes! We figured it would be rude to say no to the director and all. We each decided we were going to shop for " our baby".
It took awhile to find Rosebud a dress. She is SO tiny. And while it was not the angelic fufu dress I had in mind, the direct pointed it out so I had to say yes! Those 3 ladies, they sure can bargain! All we could do was laugh as they argued with the shopkeepers. Hilarious!
The next day when I came in, they were ready for me to dress my tiny Rosebud! I so enjoyed doing that, changing diapers, dressing her up. I was so sad though not to have a big old hairbow. What was I think coming over here with babies and no hairbow! ;-) Next time.
I think I said this is my post yesterday, but as the clock got closer to 11, the tears started. I was sitting with some of the nannies, and had to get up so as not to embarrass myself!
As my tears covered her little head, I whispered prayers into her tiny ears. I prayed that the Lord would protect her, she is so super tiny. Give her strength. Let her keep her smile even though her days never EVER change. It was soon time to go and I was just a mess. The director walked out with us and said we could come back early, I could tell she felt bad that I was so upset.
When we were with the older kids in the afternoon, one of the nannies carried Rosebud into me. Tammy made a face at her, teasingly, and asked where "her" baby was. The nanny pointed at me and showed tears running down her face.
I had to wonder, when we walked in that first morning, what do the nannies think? Do they assume we are just a "bunch of Americans trying to make themselves feel better by doing a good deed?" They seemed a bit weary of us, cautious on our first morning. But by day 2, they were leaving us in the room alone with children. And by day 5, I think they realized, we love those babies. We really do care about the children. And we care about them!
It was said to me before this trip, how is it a mission trip when all you are doing is working with kids.
Obviously, those people have never done anything like this.
Nor do they understand James 1:27.
This is not an easy trip. It costs a whole lot of money. And time. It took much sacrifice for us to even get here. Yes, we stayed in a hotel vs a grass hut. But we have not been super comfortable. We walk back and forth to the orphanage every day. In the heat. We are playing with kids who are not dressed in their Sunday best. There is a smell about us everywhere we go. Babies take work at times, rocking, feeding, making them happy. Kids, they are CRAZY! We can't get control by saying sit down, they don't understand a word we say!
I feel sorry for those who thought this way. Not only have we lived out James 1:27, we have gone into all of the world. We have tried to shine a light to so many through our actions, through our words if possible.
It has been exhausting. I have never been so tired for such a long period of time.
I would not change a thing. Every fundraiser we did, every ounce of energy I have used, was worth it. I would do it again in heartbeat.
And so back to my Rosebud. When we were leaving last night they wanted my email. And they wrote down that I was Yi Qiao's mama (Sage) and then wrote Rosebud next to that.
Am I her mama? Could I be? WOULD I be?
It is so easy when here to get wrapped up in all the emotions. I joked that if I could just put her in my suitcase I would. And I really would have! Could you just imagine Mark's face when I walked off the plane? SURPRISE!!
He would be ready to kill me. Till he held her in HIS arms and saw her smile.
Then I am certain he would have ran home with her as fast as he could.
I have no idea what will happen with my little Rosebud. It was hard to get a clear answer on if she would be going out as healthy or special needs. She is so tiny and seems developmentally behind. More like a newborn. Which I realize is very normal for an orphanage. If she is not listed as special needs, I would not even have a chance.
But if she is?? I believe the Lord will make that clear to Mark and to me. Part of this trip for me was clarity. You may remember on my family blog awhile back, I know the Lord has been stirring my heart. Just not sure what for.
I believe I am getting closer to hearing Him.
But one thing I DO know for sure. My little Rosebud will forever be a part of my heart.
And this is why I refer to her as McKenzee's angel, because at least I know me baby received unconditional love and attention for the little time they were there. Here are some pictures of McKenzee that were taken during Shannon's Mission Trip.  

McKenzee's Angel - Shannon

McKenzee's Birthday Celebration

McKenzee First Birthday

Thank You Shannon for making my Baby's First Birthday so Special. We will always be eternally grateful for the Grace of God and the Kindness in your heart for all the children in Chenzhou Orphanage