Sunday, October 2, 2011

Traveling to Guangzhou, China

Friday September 23, 2011

Today we were able to sleep in and eat a late breakfast. McKenzee is a great sleeper, she sleeps thru the night and wakes up at about 4:30am for a bottle, and goes back down till about 7:00am. Today she allowed us all to sleep in till 8:15am. We are traveling tonight to Guangzhou China to finish up the last part of the adoption process. The US Consulate is located in Guangzhou, so no matter where your baby is from in China you must come here to finalize all of your paperwork. Our guide Amy has arranged for a gentlemen to come to our hotel this morning and make a scroll with calligraphy for McKenzee. It will have her Chinese name, Zodiac sign, Birth date, and adoption date on it. Just one more memento for her and her Chinese heritage. Well, I am off to go pack up our room again. Living in a hotel room out of suit cases with a baby really sucks!!  Our plane leaves for Guangzhou at 8:00pm and we will be leaving for the airport at 5:00pm.

1 comment:

  1. You will enjoy Guagzhou. Nice. Easy. Eat at Lucys if you get a chance. Starbucks is just across from the White Swan. Look out for the bus-of-brides taking pictures on Shaiman Island!
